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Maximizing Your Profits Through Scrap Metal

scrap metal prices ontario

Canada recycles 6.6 million metric tonnes of steel annually. Since 45% of the world's steel and 40% of copper produced globally is sourced from recycled material, people across Canada are doing their part.

Here, we're going to talk about how your business can get the best scrap metal prices in Ontario. Read on to learn some steps toward a satisfying price check.

Separate the Materials: The ABCs of Non-Ferrous Recycling

There are several types of scrap metal out there. Ferrous metals contain iron, while non-ferrous metals do not.

Non-ferrous materials include aluminum, copper, tin, silver, and zinc. They tend to be worth more money because they're rarer and have more cross-industry applications. They're also easier to melt down.

These are just a couple of categories that a seller should separate scrap metal into. You also should create more specific separations based on the specific metal types and grades.

Luckily, you don't need to do these things on your own. Our team separates and sorts metal materials for you before taking them.

Take Weighing Materials Seriously

Weighing metals can be challenging. You need industrial-grade scales that accurately tell you how much scrap you have. You also will need to calculate metal density in some situations.

When you weigh your materials on your own, you may come up with inaccurate numbers: A professional must to do it for you. Make sure that your Ontario metal recyclers let you watch them weigh the metals so that you can get an accurate, fair payment.

Develop a Relationship with Scrap Yards and Recycling Experts

Consider calling JLM Metal Recycling in advance to discuss our methods and tools. Speak with someone and establish a friendly professional rapport.

This will let you feel more confident when selling your scrap metal. After all, you'll know who's on the other end of the purchase and knows scrap metal prices Ontario. We're happy to answer all your questions regarding the metal recycling process.

Call in the Pro’s!

After sorting your metals, we weigh them with quality tools and pay you based on that weight. After removing your scrap metal, we process it into valuable raw materials and sell it to distributors at the best scrap metal prices Ontario.

You can also simplify the recycling process with professional help. JLM Metal Recycling's team will come to your facility and install a metal recycling bin. Once it's filled up, we'll come and pick it up. Our experts will then evaluate your metal and pay you instantly before taking it away.

If you already have a lot of scrap metal piling up that you want to get rid of, you can also drop it off at our facility. We'll weigh it and instantly pay you to recycle the metal.

Get the Best Scrap Metal Prices in Ontario

Now that you know how valuing of scrap metal can help maximize your business profits, it's time to begin the process of ferrous and non-ferrous recycling.

We're committed to offering the best scrap metal prices in Ontario on the same day that you bring your scrap metal in. Reach out to JLM Metal Recycling to learn more about getting rid of the metal piling up in your storage space.

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